Out of the station you take a right hand turn and go into the pre-lift straightaway. The two “pushers” on the chain hit the back of the train and once both of them have hit, the lift will startup. When I was riding there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I’ve been on a vertical lift before with Mystery Mine, but you really have no idea when you are going to be reaching the top unless you are in the front of the train.
After that menacing plunge, it’s off to the races. Fahrenheit may be compact, but Intamin must have felt a need to add as many elements as possible into the tiny footprint they were allowed, and that’s not something to complain about! First, an almost trick track element, which quickly inverts atop a hill, I believe the Intamin term for this one was “Norwegian Loop”, this element provided a wonderful pop of very unexpected airtime. Next up, a vertical climb that inverts again to right the train, to be perfectly honest, youtube.com will help with this one. That inversion lids into a valley, and then my favorite “cobra roll” of all time. Not only is it pretty, no head banging whatsoever, just pure double inversion goodness.
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